National electronic ID programs expected to generate $54 billion between 2013 and 2018

Acuity Market Intelligence released on July 9 forecasts from The Global National eID Industry Report: 2014 Edition indicating that the global market for National Electronic ID (eID) programs will generate $54 billion in revenues between 2013 to 2018.
During this time, the number of National eID cards in circulation will double from 1.75 billion to 3.5 billion. Asia, with its vast population, will dominate the market representing nearly 70% of all National eID cards issued, while Europe trails a distant second at 11%.
According to Acuity Principal and biometrics and secure document market expert, Maxine Most, “In five year’s time, half of the world’s population will have a chip-based National eID card, including near-complete regional coverage in Europe. This eID platform will encourage significant expansion of eGovernment services and provide the foundation for the development of national and global trusted authentication infrastructures.”
Most continued, “The evolution of National eIDs is also an evolution towards mobility as these physical electronic credentials evolve towards virtual credentials that are easily stored in mobile devices. This separation of credential from form factor will fundamentally shift the way identity is established, referenced, and used every day across the globe.”
While the total number of countries with some form of National ID program is projected to increase just 6.5%, from 142 to 152 between 2013 and 2018, the number of countries issuing National eID cards will increase 70%, from 56 to 95 during this period.
In addition to the 3.5 billion chip-based National eIDs issued by these 95 countries, another 300 million National ID cards will be issued by 31 countries that have integrated biometrics into non-chip-based card programs.
Additional analysis and projections are available in The Global National eID Industry Report: 2014 Edition, which includes comprehensive, country-by-country, regional and global unit and revenue forecasts for all National eID cards programs, including cards, and card and biometrics readers.