National Media Exploitation Center seeks small business help

On December 30, the Virginia Contracting Activity posted the following sources sought notice. Responses must be received no later than January 12, 2016 10:00 a.m. ET.
The Virginia Contracting Activity (VACA) is seeking to identify qualified sources from 100% small business concerns to provide services for the maintenance, and development, engineering and enhancements to a file associative link analysis framework system. The National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC) requires contractor services to utilize a variety of COTS, GOTS and open source solutions to conduct technical exploitation on media and related devices. The solutions code base requires operational support and enhancement by qualified engineering staff. Contract assistance is to provide support in file associative link analysis for operations and maintenance, and for research, development, testing and evaluation.
The contractor shall provide system sustainment, including development, engineering and enhancements based on continuous user and environment requirements. The contractor must be able to access the source code and make modifications to the source code to meet the tasks set forth by the NMEC. Tasks include, but are not limited to:
*File Associative Link Analysis Framework – Operations & Maintenance.
**Large-scale operation and transition to enterprise IT infrastructure.
**Automated collection processing.
**Improve and enable 3rd party algorithm implementation.
**Enable collection context details artifacts correlation.
**Enable multi-level graph capabilities, while overlaying different attributes.
** Improve and add to existing similarity algorithms.
**Expose attributes prevalence information to other NMEC systems.
**Add custom system functionality to enhance the analysis process, based on iterative customer requirements process.*File Associative Link Analysis Framework – – Research, Development, Testing, & Evaluation
**Identify and nominate new file associative link analyses
**Develop High Availability (HA) strategies to eliminate single points of failure
**Integrate system to present/publish data to/from other systems identified by the US Government, and the subcomponents shall be described and made available through programmatic interface.
**Perform testing and evaluation of the capabilities for integration. Perform integration upon Government’s acceptance of test and evaluation results and approval for integration.
**Evaluate the system’s capabilities, replacing, enhancing, and expanding the capabilities as needed to keep the system state of the art.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps