On April 5, the U.S. Air Force posted a request for information (RFI) for cyber and electromagnetic systems. Responses are due by 4:00 p.m. Eastern on April 21.
USAF Dismounted Operators conduct hi-intensity missions demanding constant situational awareness in a dynamic battlefield environment. These operations include but are not limited to Tactical control of airborne strike assets, Personnel recovery, Special Reconnaissance and Assault Zone Operations. Currently, operators maintain Situational Awareness (SA) through a system of systems that includes hand-held radios, GPS positioning, and handheld sensors, all connected through a power and data hub to an End User Device (EUD).
The Special Tactics (ST) mission requires the ability to conduct Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA) in support of tasked SOF core activities that include but are not limited to; Direct Action, Special Reconnaissance, Counter Terrorism, Unconventional Warfare, and Foreign Internal Defense. USSOCOM Service Components and Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) are developing personnel and capabilities that address their organizational-specific cyberspace operational requirements while remaining interoperable across SOF.
Equipment (System of Systems) enabling (CEMA) in support of Special Tactics Special Reconnaissance, Integrated Fires, and Sensitive Activities (SA) operations. Hand-held body warn man packable mobile communications and Signals Intelligence (SIGNT) system capable of enabling complete RF measurement autonomously or remotely controlled. Compatible with Android and Windows based systems. Capable of RF survey, collect, direction find (DF), and electronic attack (EA).
The Special Warfare office is seeking information on Non-developmental or Technology Readiness Level 6+ solutions to provide cyber and electromagnetic capability to dismounted operators. These solutions must have been developed to integrated with Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK).
Review the USAF cyber, electromagnetic RFI.
Source: SAM
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