NCIS wants Crime-Lite light sources to help it gather forensic evidence

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service plans to award a sole source contract to Foster & Freeman USA, Inc., of Sterling, VA, to supply its Crime-Lite 82L LED light source which provides a wide floor level light beam that is ideal for detecting surface debris and shoe prints.
“The 16 LED linear light source, linear array, and cylindrical lens creates a light beam that is ideal for detecting evidence,” says a special notice issued by the NCIS on December 30. That notice points out that the Crime-Lite 82L must be used with the currently deployed Nikon cameras.
Developed by Foster + Freeman, the Crime-lite 82L produces a ‘sheet’ of high intensity white light to reveal floor level evidence and is supplied with blue, green and red clip on filters to enhance contrast on colored backgrounds.
The system’s features include:
• Its ability to detect surface debris over a large area;
• 16 surface mounted high intensity LEDs;
• A lightweight, telescopic pole available for prolonged floor searches;
• Rechargeable battery provides up to two hours operation, rapid recharge