DECISIVE ANALYTICS wins Naval contract to develop the Semantic Powered Event Reasoning system

DECISIVE ANALYTICS Corporation (DAC) of Arlington, VA announced on October 27 that its Analytical Technologies Sector has been awarded with an $1.5M contract to develop the SEMantic Powered Event Reasoning (SEMPER) system by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Contract Number N00014-16-C-1046. This system supports the warfighter by providing the ability to perform analytics and aids in decision making through the utilization of disparate, multi-modal data. This system will semantically tag and discover data via an intelligent, natural language query mechanism to provide the most relevant information in a timely manner while removing all of the noise contained within the massive data stores.
DECISIVE ANALYTICS’ SEMPER system will be built to meet the requirements of the Civil Information Exploitation thrust area while enhancing the speed, accuracy, usability, and agility of the tactical expeditionary Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data system. Its capabilities include Event Discovery, Trend Analysis, and Anomaly Detection from Open Source Data as well as Event Disambiguation and Multi-modal Knowledge Product Generation via Natural Language Queries.
“DECISIVE ANALYTICS is proud to continue our successful partnership with ONR in developing and deploying cutting-edge technologies for the Navy and Marine Corps. We look forward to working with the Navy to provide the military and intelligence communities with technologies that provide increased situational awareness,” said Dr. James Nolan, vice president of analytical technologies at DECISIVE ANALYTICS.
Source: DECISIVE ANALYTICS Corporation