Decisive Analytics wins $36.6M USASMDC/ARSTRAT task order

Decisive Analytics Corporation of Arlington, VA announced on October 9 that it has been awarded a task order under the Design, Development, Demonstration and Integration (D3I) of Enhanced Warfighter Capabilities (Domain 3) IDIQ by the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT). Entitled Reagan Test Site (RTS) Technology Development Support, this award carries a ceiling of just over $36.6 million and consists of a base ordering period of two years plus three optional ordering periods of an additional year each. nou Systems, a scientific, engineering and technical services corporation, will be supporting the RTS effort as the major subcontractor.
Under this contract, Decisive Analytics will support two significant RTS technology development functions: (1) RTS Data Analysis Center (RDAC) support to include data analysis/reduction and mission planning support services; and (2) design, development, testing, and operational integration support of Government approved RTS instrumentation for projects with moderate to high technology maturity levels.
Decisive Analytics previously won the contract for Domain 3 of the D3I IDIQ vehicle in late 2015. “I’m extremely excited to work with nou Systems on the RTS effort,” said Jess Granone, vice president of Huntsville Operations for Decisive Analytics. “We will collectively work with USASMDC/ARSTRAT and continue to offer industry-leading solutions for this critical national mission.”
Source: Decisive Analytics