CENTCOM to hold Industry Day ahead of J2 intelligence support RFP

On April 26, the Virginia Contracting Activity announced an upcoming CENTCOM Industry Day. The Industry Day meeting will be held on May 23. Reservations from those interested in attending the event must be received no later than 3:00pm Eastern on May 8.
The Virginia Contracting Activity intends to release a Request for Proposal for CENTCOM J2 Intelligence Support on or about 17 August 2017. In order to afford maximum time for review, a DRAFT Statement of Work (SOW) will be posted NLT Wednesday, 3 MAY 2017. The Government is hosting an Industry Day on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time at a location to be announced at a later time in
Tampa Florida. We will accept RSVPs from up to two visitors per Organization for this event NLT 3:00PM EST, Monday, 8 May 2017.
The Industry Day will be at an Unclassified classification level. Visitors will not need a Security Clearance to attend this meeting.
Questions from interested vendors will be anonymously consolidated and incorporated into the Technical Brief. These questions must be received via email at Jeffrey.hart3@dodiis.mil no later than 3:00PM Eastern Time, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 in order for the Government to incorporate them into the Technical Brief. However, if unable to submit questions by the suspense date and/or if new questions arise during the Brief, the Government will collectively provide time for question and answer dialog. This Special Notice is for informational purposes only and is NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND NO PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Additionally, the Government will provide potential offerors with the opportunity to meet individually with the technical team. These meetings will occur in one hour sessions from 8:00 AM Eastern Time to 3:00 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, 24 May, 2017, and will be scheduled on a first‐come, first‐served basis. Additional time will be made for potential offerors if necessary. Please indicate interest for the individual session when sending an RSVP.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps