Camber is a finalist in the 2014 I/ITSEC Serious Games Showcase and Challenge Competition

Camber Corporation announced on Nov. 4 that for the second consecutive year, Camber has been selected as a finalist in the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Serious Games Showcase & Challenge for a RQ-7B Shadow UAS operator training game called “Eagle Eye.”
“Eagle Eye” is a serious game that leverages an expansive, dynamic, and immersive 3D virtual environment. The application provides our military with the latest reconnaissance and security doctrine and tactics training to the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) RQ-7B Shadow Platform.
The game puts the player in control of an unmanned aircraft supporting a brigade combat team in which the player must leverage past performance-based training and develop decision making skills. As players progress through the game they will be trained through intense real-world situations using advanced scouting tactics.
At the 2013 ITSEC Conference, Camber was awarded “Best Mobile Game” and “People’s Choice” for GORRDEE, a device agnostic mobile application that uses as an immersive trainer for the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Shadow platform.
The goal of Serious Games Showcase & Challenge (SGS&C) is to identify innovative game-based technologies and solutions that improve training across all segments for individuals, groups, and systems. SGS&C opens the door for game developers to expose their work to some of the best gaming and simulation companies in the world.