UBIC secures Japanese patent for its predictive coding technology

UBIC, Inc., a provider of international litigation support and Big Data analysis services, announced on July 28 that it has obtained an additional patent related to its predictive coding technology.
The patent number 5567049 was assigned by the Japan Patent Office and this patent was issued on June 27, 2014.
Predictive coding is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology developed by UBIC, which makes it possible to provide next-generation data analysis solutions that enable clients to identify useful business information contained within very large volumes of electronic data.
This patent comes in addition to another patent UBIC received for its predictive coding technology in May 2014. Together they cover the application of the technology across a broader, more diverse range of products.
“UBIC is quickly amassing an impressive patent portfolio and continues to execute its intellectual property strategy by obtaining patents through fast-track procedures; namely, the Accelerated Examination system in Japan and the Patent Prosecution Highway in the United States,” said UBIC’s chairman and CEO, Masahiro Morimoto.
UBIC’s predictive coding technology is featured in software tools built into the company’s Lit i View data analysis platform, such as UBIC’s AI-based technology, Virtual Data Scientist, which accumulates and applies key aspects of human knowledge and understanding to automated analysis. Such software tools are used in a variety of applications including high-speed, high-accuracy document review in the eDiscovery process as well as in fraud investigations and email auditing.
“The award of this patent further demonstrates UBIC’s powerful innovation and development capabilities,” Morimoto said. “With continued research and development in AI-based technologies and the acquisition of intellectual properties, UBIC intends to adapt and apply its predictive coding-based data analysis solutions to a wider variety of fields, including national security, health care and evaluation of intellectual property.