The Honorable Terrence Edwards has been appointed by President Biden and confirmed by the United States Senate as the next Inspector General (IG) of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), NRO announced December 22.
The NRO Office of Inspector General is an independent oversight office that promotes economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of NRO programs and operations. It also investigates allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse or other serious problems in NRO’s operations and keeps the director of the NRO and Congress fully informed.
Edwards most recently served as the chief of staff to the principal deputy director of national intelligence. In 2016, he became the deputy general counsel for management in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence where he oversaw the provisioning of legal advice on a wide range of national security issues. Since 2005, Edwards has held a number of other legal positions within the federal government, including senior attorney at the National Security Agency, senior acquisition attorney at the Communications Electronic Command, and attorney-advisor at the Army Sustainment Command.
Edwards is the recipient of numerous commendations, including the Presidential Rank Award. He holds a Juris Doctor from The Ohio State University, a Master of Science in Business Administration from Texas A&M University Texarkana, and a Bachelor of Science from McNeese State University. Read his full biography. Edwards succeeds the Honorable Susan S. Gibson, the first presidentially appointed and senate confirmed IG for the NRO, who served from 2016-2022.
Source: NRO
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