Sparton Corporation and Ultra Electronics joint venture awarded $26.2 in foreign sonobuoy sales contracts

Sparton Corp. and Ultra Electronics USSI, a subsidiary of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc (ULE), announced on Sept. 17 the award of subcontracts valued at $26.2 million from their ERAPSCO/SonobuoyTech Systems joint venture.
Multiple foreign contracts represent the manufacture of passive and active sonobuoys in support of multiple underwater missions. ERAPSCO/SonobuoyTech Systems will provide manufacturing subcontracts in the amount of $10.6 million to Sparton Electronics Florida, Inc. and $15.6 million to Ultra Electronics USSI. Production will take place at Sparton’s DeLeon Springs, FL, facility and Ultra Electronics USSI’s Columbia City, IN, facility with completion planned by June 2015.
ERAPSCO/SonobuoyTech Systems was awarded these contracts for passive and active sonobuoys that are used for detection, classification, and localization of adversary submarines during peacetime and combat operations.