On June 8, San Mateo, CA-based QuSecure, Inc., a post-quantum cybersecurity (PQC) company, announced the United States Army has awarded the company a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II federal government contract to develop quantum-resilient software solutions.
With this award, QuSecure will continue to advance research and development of quantum-resilient technologies and encryption solutions for the U.S. government. The award states that QuSecure’s work has merit, will result in important benefits for the Army, and allots upwards of $2 million to address uses in tactical edge and tactical IoT devices that can be used for battle-ready deployment.
The U.S. government’s urgency to move toward a quantum safe future has been established with the recent actions taken by Congress and the White House. The Endless Frontiers Act establishes a Technology and Innovation Directorate at the National Science Foundation to use $100 billion in federal funds over five years to research emerging technologies including quantum computing, and specifically mentions the need for PQC. Additionally, in December 2022 President Biden signed into law the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which requires the Office of Management and Budget to prioritize federal agencies’ migration to IT systems using post-quantum cryptography.
“Following winning our U.S. Air Force SBIR Phase III award last fall, QuSecure is proud to be a part of the Army’s march toward a more cybersecure future,” said Aaron Moore, QuSecure head of engineering, who also led R&D efforts for Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA). “This award from the Army recognizes QuSecure’s ability to help enhance the combat fighting capabilities that modern warfare necessitates.”
Source: QuSecure
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