PCS-Mosaic acquires four ASRC Federal intelligence solutions companies, launches Athenix

On April 12, Fulton, MD-based PCS-Mosaic Holdings announced the acquisition of four ASRC Federal intelligence solutions companies and the launch of its new Athenix business unit in a strategic move to dramatically expand the firm’s intelligence community footprint. The acquired companies — OSI LLC, Agency Consulting Group LLC, Kimmich Software Solutions LLC and ExaTech Solutions LLC — all of which previously operated within ASRC Federal’s Defense & Intel group, are now part of PCS-Mosaic’s Athenix Cyber & SIGINT Solutions business based in Columbia, MD.
“PCS-Mosaic has taken another important step in building a mid-tier, pure-play contractor of scale, substance and focus that can better serve customers at the pointy end of the spear in the intelligence, cyber, and special operations domains with agility and ingenuity,” said Pierre Chao, chairman of PCS-Mosaic. “PCS-Mosaic is committed to providing ongoing resources and capital to continue the growth of this new business unit, with the goal of addressing our customers’ most critical national security needs.”
Athenix joins the PCS-Mosaic portfolio of businesses, which includes Mosaic Technologies Group based in Fulton, Maryland, and Visual Awareness Technologies & Consulting based in Tampa, Florida. Altogether, PCS-Mosaic Holdings is now home to over 400 employees serving intelligence, cyber and special operations customers at key locations in Maryland, Georgia, Virginia, and Texas, and at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, and Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
“These acquisitions will enable PCS-Mosaic to bring a powerful offering of advanced technology and services capabilities to front-line customers including systems and software, and intelligence and readiness solutions for our customers’ most demanding missions,” said Tom Middleton, PCS-Mosaic CEO. “The combination of these businesses provides critical mass, past performance and a pipeline of opportunities that positions the company for the next stage of growth as a leader in the intelligence sector and creates incredible professional development opportunities for employees.”
Through the transaction, ASRC Federal is acquiring an equity interest in PCS-Mosaic.
“This transaction allows us to stay invested in the important work being performed for specific programs in the intelligence community that will now be a part of PCS-Mosaic, while we focus on continuing to grow in other critical Defense & Intel markets,” said Jason Nichols, ASRC Federal Defense & Intel operating group president.
Source: PCS-Mosaic
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