New construction and renovation planned at Intelligence and Military School in Bagdad

Intelligence and Military
School in Baghdad
The Intelligence and Military Security School, located at Taji Air Base in Baghdad, Iraq, will be undergoing renovation and new construction, as part of a two-phase design-build project being supervised by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
In a sources sought document released by the Corps of Engineers on Feb. 28, the USACE Middle East District outlined the possible requirements for a project whose overall construction costs are estimated to range between $5 and $10 million.
“The project includes student & cadre barracks, site utilities (water, electrical, communications, sanitary) roads and site improvements, expansion of existing dining facility, warehouse building, refrigerated food containers, sunshades for refrigerated food containers and sunshades for existing food storage,” explains the sources sought document.
The design-build project will be awarded during a two-phase process. In phase one, potential vendors will be asked to describe their experience and technical approach. Only the top five proposals will be selected to proceed to phase two, during which the surviving candidates will be asked to submit their key personnel and their past performance information.
The anticipated period of performance will be 480 days, says the notice.
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Transatlantic Middle East District intends to award a firm-fixed-price design-build contract for the design, construction and renovation of the Intelligence and Military School.
Further information is available from Anita Ludovici at 540-665-1245.