MITRE announces partnership with Homeland Security Experts Group

MITRE now supports the Homeland Security Experts Group (HSEG), an independent, nonpartisan group of homeland security and counterterrorism experts that educates the public and informs government leadership, including the Secretary of Homeland Security, McLean, VA-based MITRE announced January 8.
HSEG was formerly known as the Aspen Homeland Security Group and was affiliated with the Aspen Institute. It will retain its previous leadership and independence as it continues its work with the support and resources of MITRE. Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and former California Congresswoman Jane Harman will continue as HSEG co-chairs. U.S. Army veteran Rob Walker leads the group as executive director.
“Threats today are more varied, complicated, and digital than they were when the Department of Homeland Security was formed,” said Chertoff. “HSEG is an important resource to government leaders confronted with an ever-changing threat landscape. We address topics from the ground truth, not political corners.”
A trusted partner to the homeland security enterprise for more than a decade, HSEG publishes white papers, position statements, and op-eds on emerging threats to the homeland and convenes twice a year for strategic conferences. The group will continue to conduct in-depth research and elevate the conversation on homeland security threats and risks. Experts remain available to offer background and commentary to the news media.
“HSEG’s strength is the collective experience of its members, most of whom served in key policy roles during and after 9/11,” said Harman. “It provides the opportunity to share that experience and new ideas on a nonpartisan basis with the Secretary of Homeland Security and key leaders across the homeland and national security mission.”
As a leader in research and innovation in the national and homeland security sectors, MITRE embraces robust conversation and informed, independent perspectives fostered by the HSEG that advance the public interest.
“We are honored this nationally recognized collaboration of homeland security experts has chosen MITRE as their partner in this critical work,” said Jason Providakes, MITRE president and CEO. “HSEG members will benefit from MITRE’s expertise in national security, homeland security, cyber, and critical infrastructure.”
Source: MITRE