IBM brings cyber threat analytics to the cloud

IBM logo 112IBM of Armonk, NY announced on April 21 that it is bringing its market-leading Security Intelligence technology,IBM QRadar®, to the cloud, giving companies the ability to quickly prioritize real threats and free up critical resources to fight cyberattacks. The new services are available to clients through a cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) model, with optional IBM Security Managed Services to provide deeper expertise and flexibility for security professionals.

According to the 2014 IBM Cyber Index, organizations globally deal with an average of 91 million potential security events every year, creating vast volumes of data that need to be stored and analyzed. Cloud-based threat monitoring and analytics provides the simplicity of a hosted deployment, combined with advanced analytics capabilities and the proven expertise from a security services provider needed to monitor today’s hybrid IT environments.   The two new cloud-based services are:

  • IBM Security Intelligence on Cloud – helps organizations determine if security-related events are simple anomalies or potential threats. Built as a cloud service using IBM QRadar, enterprises can quickly correlate security event data with threat information from over 500 supported data sources for devices, systems, and applications.  This is complemented by more than 1500 pre-defined reports for use cases such as compliance, vulnerability management and security incident response.  Also, the integration of QRadar with IBM’s recently announced cloud-based X-Force Exchange gives security teams volumes of historical and real time threat intelligence.
  • Intelligent Log Management on Cloud – designed to simplify security and compliance data collection and reporting needs. Powered by IBM QRadar® technology, Intelligent Log Management uses analytics and a hosted, multi-tenant technology to rapidly deliver comprehensive compliance with powerful real-time correlation and anomaly detection capabilities. Through support for more than 400 platforms, security managers can also capture logs from nearly any device in their security operation.

“Organizations are facing a security data tsunami that can overwhelm even the most sophisticated enterprise’s security program,” said Jason Corbin, Vice President, Product Management and Strategy, IBM Security. “Security leaders are telling us they want increased visibility through the cloud and control throughout their hybrid IT environments. The option of doing predictive analytics via the cloud gives security teams the flexibility to bring in skills, innovation and information on demand across all of their security environments.”

Source: IBM