On May 23, the General Services Administration (GSA) posted the draft performance work statement (PWS) of the Ascend acquisition. Industry feedback is due by 4:00 p.m. Eastern on June 6.
On September 30, 2021, the GSA Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Information Technology Category (ITC) issued a Request for Information (RFI) in GSA eBuy and SAM.gov indicating GSA’s intent to establish, on a competitive basis, a Multiple Award Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) against the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Special Item Numbers 518210C “Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services” and 54151S “IT Professional Services”; now known as the “Ascend” BPA (formerly referred to as the “GSA Government-Wide Cloud BPA”).
This supplemental special notice is being issued to further engage and collaborate with industry and agencies to gather feedback on the attached Draft Performance Work Statement (PWS).
It remains GSA’s intent to award the Ascend BPA in a phased manner as a featured part of GSA’s Cloud Marketplace. We plan to make multiple awards in each pool, each with its specific scope that will allow all Federal Agencies and Other Eligible Activities to acquire and implement secure, integrated commercial cloud service solutions, including cloud-focused labor services, including but not limited to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud-Related Information Technology (IT) Professional Services.
GSA encourages all parties who are interested in participating in the Ascend BPA acquisition (formerly known as the GSA Governmentwide Cloud BPA) to review the draft PWS and provide questions, comments and recommended answer/solution rationale on Table 1 – Ascend BPA Draft PWS Questions/Comments/Recommended Answer/Solution and Rationale Spreadsheet by not later than 4:00 pm EST on 06/06/2022.
Review the GSA Ascend draft PWS.
Source: SAM
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