Dynetics adds three vice presidents to the company

Dynetics CEO Dave King has named Kim Doering, Mike Durboraw and Keith McCollum as vice presidents and officers of the company, Huntsvill, AL-based Dynetics announced September 12.
“These individuals have done an incredible job growing their division and searching for new opportunities. They have proven themselves as worthy leaders who can help us through the next chapter of the Dynetics story. We congratulate them and are looking forward to their continued leadership,” said King.
Kim Doering is the vice president and manager of the Space Systems division. She is responsible for managing advanced space projects for NASA, the Department of Defense, and commercial customers. Doering is a 33-year aerospace veteran with 13 years’ experience at NASA, including serving as deputy program manager of the Space Shuttle Program.
Mike Durboraw is the vice president and manager of Intelligence and Spectrum Warfare Division. His division is responsible for determining the capabilities and limitations of foreign weapon systems based on a variety of intelligence information. The division also develops foreign weapon simulators, collection platforms, and foreign weapon defeat solutions using all aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum. Durboraw has more than 27 years’ experience in weapons system technologies.
Keith McCollum is the vice president and manager of the Integrated Systems Technologies Division. His division specializes in radar systems, modeling and simulation, electronic warfare, and cyber. His group led the development of GroundAware®, an advanced, affordable, and reconfigurable ground-based radar system for critical infrastructure security. McCollum has been with the company since 1990.
Source: Dynetics