On December 1, the Virginia Contracting Activity, on behalf of the Defense Intelligence Agency, released the final request for proposals (RFP) for the Data Science, Operations, Requirement, Exploitation, and Engineering (DORE2) solicitation. Proposals are due no later than 3:00 p.m. Eastern on January 17.
DORE2 seeks innovative capabilities for the ground, aerospace, and maritime technical collection domains in order to enhance foundational intelligence; provide strategic warning; and inform R&D, acquisition, and operational activities. These services will primarily support the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in execution of its Directorate for Science & Technology (DIA/ST) mission.
DIA’s S&T mission is to develop and deliver leading edge scientific and technical capabilities; lead and prioritize S&T enterprise programs that enhance analysis, collection, operations, and acquisition activities; and conduct specialized technical collection and exploitation activities in order to prevent strategic surprise. S&T works with the intelligence community, Combatant Commands (CCMDs), and other federal agencies to identify capability gaps; review requirements; develop both plans of action and programs of record to meet these gaps and requirements; develops and applies new capabilities based upon maturing and/or mature technologies; operationally assesses these new capabilities and either employs or transitions them.
The DORE2 and Task Order Mission Management Cell (MC2)’s SOWs are classified. Please see Section L on instructions to receive the classified attachments. The Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs) for each SOW will be sent with the classified package documents.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM