By Light Professional IT Services LLC of Arlington, VA and Menlo Security of Palo Alto, CA announced on April 25 they were one of two Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) awardees to design and implement a Cloud Based Internet Isolation (CBII) prototype capability for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). CBII is anticipated to eliminate web-based threats such as drive-by-downloads. The technology removes the browsing process from the desktop and moves it to the cloud effectively creating an “air gap” between the Internet and enterprise networks. The successful implementation of this effort will directly enhance military and civilian personnel’s ability to defend the Department of Defense Information Network (DODIN).
“By Light is very excited to win the award for DISA’s CBII OTA Prototype,” said Joe Boyd, vice president at By Light. “We are excited to team with Menlo Security whose Internet isolation platform is used by some of the largest companies in the world. This Internet isolation solution is innovative and should greatly benefit the DoD by virtually eliminating internet browsing threats traversing the Internet Access Points (IAP) while also helping to reduce bandwidth utilization.”
In today’s threat landscape, perfect prevention of breaches is not possible, and isolation and containment of an attacker’s ability to do damage is becomingly increasingly important. The proposed solution protects end users by isolating the browser in the cloud and mirroring the content to the browser on the end user’s computer using Menlo Security’s Adaptive Clientless Rendering™ (ACR) technology. This process eliminates vulnerabilities and resultant exploits that target browsers, email, and plug-ins.
“Menlo Security looks forward to working with By Light to deliver a CBII solution that protects military and civilian personnel who are high value targets for cyber criminals and nation state attacks,” said Amir Ben-Efraim, co-founder and CEO at Menlo Security. “The two companies have great synergies, and we feel confident that we will provide a solution that meets the needs of DISA.”
By Light is the prime contractor for this project, while Menlo Security provides support to deliver the solution. This exciting project’s objectives include prototype architecture documentation, analysis artifacts, incorporation of feedback from the user community into the final product, implementation of a prototype solution, and refining the processes and requirements necessary for large scale implementation across the DoD Enterprise.
Source: By Light