High occupancy carpooling lanes are critical to combating roadway congestion. However, their benefits are severely limited when motorists do not...
Author Posts
Northrop Grumman Corp. announced on April 3 that it has completed a series of flight tests demonstrating the first production...
IBM inventors have patented a cloud computing security technique that enables app developers to ensure that data notifications are securely...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to award a single construction contract worth as much as $103 million to...
Air Force Network Integration Center members here completed the migration of all user accounts onto the Air Force Network on...
Arbor Networks, Inc., a provider of DDoS and advanced threat protection solutions for enterprise and service provider networks, announced on...
The Department of Defense is thinking about establishing a public-private consortium composed of industry, government and academic partners which could...
James Gillie has joined Telos Corp. as the company’s vice president and deputy general manager of cyber operations and defense....
The U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system (UAS) has completed a series of ground and air demonstrations...
Civergy, Inc. announces on April 1 that Brigadier General Mark Owen (USAF-Ret.) has been appointed CEO as of March 2014....