Army PM DCATS releases RFI

On March 29, the U.S. Army posted a request for information on Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA) and Internal Control Processes (ICP) (Solicitation Number: W52P1J-17-C-ILA). Responses are due by email no later than 11:00am Central Time on April 5.
The U.S. Army Contracting Command – Rock Island (ACC-RI) is seeking potential sources and information related to a possible new contract for Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA) and Internal Control Processes (ICP).
Program Manager Defense Communications and Transmission Systems’ (PM DCATS) compliance with Title 31 of the United States Code (USC) 3512 (b), Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA or Integrity Act) requires the head of each executive agency to establish internal control processes (ICP) to provide reasonable assurance that: obligations and cost are in compliance with applicable laws; funds, property, and other assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use, or misappropriation; revenues and expenditures are properly recorded and accounted for; and programs are efficiently and effectively carried out according to applicable law and internal policy. Title 31 USC 3512 (b) further requires heads of executive agencies to report annually to the President and Congress on whether these internal controls comply with requirements of the Integrity Act.
This Statement of Objectives (SOO) is required to obtain independent contractor support to assist in the development of an independent program-wide assessment of product/project lead (PL) life-cycle logistics health and provide support to assist in developing Life-Cycle Sustainment Plans (LCSPs) in order to enhance the PLs ability to comply with required regulations. The Independent Logistics Assessments on Army programs is prescribed in Army Regulation (AR) 700-127 and AR 25-1 to assess logistics program status at key decision milestones in the materiel acquisition process and throughout the life cycle of the program.
PM DCATS is in need of contractor support to establish an internal control process that adds value and demonstrates a commitment to effective stewardship of resources entrusted to us by the American people. Establishing and relying on an effective internal control program has many positive benefits over reliance on outside audits since it requires an in-depth understanding of processes, associated risks and controls. Staff experts performing functions can best identify areas of concern and propose solutions. When recommendations for solutions come from within the organization, it allows for the identification of the problem prior to impact, and the ability to contain negative publicity. This can be implemented as part of the strategic planning process and can have a positive impact on effectiveness and accomplishment of the organization’s mission.
PM DCATS, located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, manages a suite of more than 100 projects that support Joint soldiers, major commands and combatant commanders worldwide. Projects include strategic satellite communications and wideband control systems, technical control facilities, Combat Service Support Communications (CSS COM) systems, critical power infrastructure and combat vehicle intercom systems. PM DCATS’ mission is to enable information dominance for the Army, Department of Defense, National Command Authority, and International Partners by acquiring, implementing, sustaining strategic satellite and terrestrial communications, and leading technologies to meet current and future requirements. PM DCATS reports to the Army’s Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS) also located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps