On April 6, the U.S. Army posted details about its upcoming Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) Advance Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI), which will be held from 25–27 April 2023, at APG, MD.
Please note that details, including specific organizational briefing schedules, remain subject to change. The initial proposed schedule and slides have been posted.
The goal of the APG APBI is to describe for industry potential future contracting opportunities for mission areas that focus on: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Research and Development; Test and Evaluation; Chemical and Biological Defense; and APG Garrison. The APG APBI will identify potential contracting opportunities that are aligned with the roadmaps of each respective organization, specifically focusing on Fiscal Years 2024–2025. The Government will not hear formal bids from industry, as the purpose of the APBI is for the Government to brief upcoming opportunities to industry to help it better understand Army capability requirements and shape its internal development efforts.
APBI 2023 will be held as a hybrid event with both in person and virtual attendance. Virtual attendees will be able to sign on and watch presentations live via MS Teams. APG will release more information about logging on to the event, including links, by updating this Save the Date message a few days prior to APBI beginning.
For those attending this event in person, Team APG will welcome you back to Myer Auditorium (Building 6000). In a change from the most recent in person APBIs, all portions of this event will be held in Myer Auditorium. There will not be any food or beverage service on site during APBI. Attendees are encouraged to visit some of the local vendors located on APG.
The APG APBI will be unclassified and open to all interested contractors, large and small businesses, academia, as well as other Government stakeholders. All those planning to attend the event either in person or virtually register using the link below.
Registration for the 2023 Team APG APBI is now open. To register for either in person or virtual attendance, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/team-apg-advance-planning-briefing-to-industry-apbi-2023-tickets-568139740257
Review the full APG APBI 2023 posting.
Source: SAM
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