Air Force seeks promising, independent R&D projects

On December 14, the Air Force posted a request for information for ACC AMIC Technology Information Exchange Events. Responses are due by 12:00pm on 15 February 15, 2016.
Headquarters Air Combat Command (HQ ACC) senior leaders seek discussions with industry, academia, and other government organizations to explore emerging technologies with potential applications to combat airpower. While not a request for contractual offers or proposals, these Technical Information Exchange (TIE) discussions may offer organizations currently conducting Independent Research & Development (IR&D) activities the opportunity to exchange insights with Air Force senior leaders and better focus organizational efforts toward Air Force air combat needs in a mutually beneficial manner.
The intent of a TIE is to focus senior-level discussions on IR&D projects or efforts that may prove useful in the employment of combat airpower while also affording participants the opportunity to gain a fuller understanding of the combat air forces’ near-, mid-, and far-term capability needs. Successful TIEs generate and sustain an ongoing dialogue on emerging technologies relevant to the ACC core functions between ACC leaders and senior-level participants from industry, academia, FFRDCs, intra-governmental organizations and others. TIEs also provide preliminary opportunities for information exchanges in science, technology and innovation on the participant’s current projects that may have the potential to bring advanced capability to warfighters.
A general officer or civilian equivalent from the Directorate of Plans, Programs and Requirements (ACC/A5/8/9) will host each TIE session. ACC is the primary provider of air combat forces to America’s warfighting commanders and the directorate champions the capability needs for five of the twelve Air Force Core Functions: Air Superiority; Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Global Precision Attack; Personnel Recovery; and Command and Control. For reference, the command’s capability needs by core function are available on the Defense Technical Information Center SIPR website here: Note: To access these documents, users must have an active SIPR account and access them through DTIC. In accordance with AFH 31-602, Industrial Security Program, HQ ACC cannot assist organizations or individuals in obtaining SIPR DTIC access or provide an alternative means to access these documents.HQ ACC will invite selected participants with key IR&D initiatives that have the greatest potential to address the command’s capability needs. Invitees should prepare senior representatives to present ongoing IR&D technology efforts to HQ ACC senior leaders, explain how these efforts could address warfighting capability needs across any of the command’s five core functions, and discuss potential implementation strategies.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps