On March 23, the Air Force Research Lab released the Capabilities for Cyber Advancement broad agency announcement (BAA).
BAA NUMBER: FA8750-21-S-7001.
The Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL’s) strategic vision for cyber superiority is to ensure the success of cyberspace-dependent missions in air, space, and cyberspace. The purpose of this BAA is to develop the next-generation technologies necessary to achieve this vision, so that they can be integrated and transitioned into warfighting capabilities.
Providing mission assurance in an Air Force context means supporting the notions of Global Vigilance, Global Reach, and Global Power across the five enduring AF core missions: air and space superiority; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; rapid global mobility; global strike; and command and control.
Providing mission assurance in a Space Force context means supporting the responsibilities of Preserving Freedom of Action in a space domain, Enable Joint Lethality and Effectiveness, and Provide Independent Options across the Space Force’s five core competencies: space security; combat power projection; space mobility and logistics; information mobility and logistics; information mobility; and space domain awareness.
This announcement is for an Open, 2 Step BAA which is open and effective until 01 Dec 2025. Only white papers will be accepted as initial submissions; formal proposals will be accepted by invitation only. While white papers will be considered if received prior to 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on 01 Dec 2025, the following submission dates are suggested to best align with projected funding:
FY21 by 05 Apr 2021
FY22 by 30 Sep 2021
FY23 by 30 Sep 2022
FY24 by 30 Sep 2023
FY25 by 30 Sep 2024
FY26 by 30 Sep 2025
AFRL is seeking innovative, next-generation technologies to achieve cyber superiority to integrate and transition into warfighting capabilities. This BAA is a follow-on to FA8750-18-S-7002.
Total funding for this BAA is approximately $975M. Individual awards will not normally exceed 60 months with dollar amounts normally ranging from $100K to $99M. There is also the potential to make awards up to any dollar value as long as the value does not exceed the available BAA ceiling amount. Multiple Awards are anticipated. Dialogue between prospective offerors and Government representatives is encouraged. Technical and contracting questions can be resolved in writing or through open discussions. Discussions with any of the points of contact shall not constitute a commitment by the Government to subsequently fund or award any proposed effort. Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM