Visiongain offers report on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) market during 2014-2019

The array of connected devices is ever-broadening. Wireless communications are rapidly engulfing the automotive, healthcare, energy, and retail industries, as wirelessly connected endpoints appear on track to outnumber people, said Visiongain in a recent news release.
M2M encompasses a number of different markets and technologies, totaling $41.6 billion in revenue for 2014. The market includes 257.8 connected devices from a wide variety of fields, including agriculture, manufacturing, home security, energy grid management, smart utilities metering, emergency response, health monitoring, smart appliances, and connected vehicles.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major subject in the IT world, but its implications reach far beyond. The interconnection of hundreds of millions of unique, embedded computing devices will have a profound impact on commerce and public service; indeed, most fields of life. New connected technologies suggest the impending arrival of intelligent health monitoring devices, self-monitoring industrial devices, fleet management and road safety tools, smart cities, energy grids and household appliances.
M2M will act as a backbone for these systems. The technology holds the promise of bringing dispersed assets into a connected corporate or government network. Machines in an industrial or manufacturing setting can be linked together to streamline production processes and operate at the highest efficiency. Utility grids can be optimized and household usage monitored and recorded at minimal cost. Precision agriculture can be undertaken, bringing crop management into the digital age.
This new wave of technology promises revolutionary cost savings across nearly all industries and new revenue streams for MNOs, applications providers, module and device vendors, service managers, and systems integrators. M2M and IoT are markets with high ceilings and immediate prospects.
What is the future of the M2M market? Visiongain‘s comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content, delivering solid conclusions.
In the new report by Visiongain, readers will discover forecasts of the market across the next 5 years and analysis of 10 leading companies in M2M. The report assesses their strategies, technologies, competitive forces, and product portfolios.