visiongain cites top 20 unmanned aerial vehicles companies

Although increasingly competitive, the global UAV market is currently highly consolidated with a few leading companies dominating global sales, says market research firm, visiongain.
Primarily this is a result of U.S. dominance of the market during the past decade. However, incumbent positions are increasingly under threat from new and existing competitors offering a range of cost-effective UAV capabilities and innovative technologies.
Considerable uncertainties will characterize the UAV market in the near future, especially regarding the uncertain legal and regulatory framework governing commercial UAV use, adds visiongain.
In a new market research report, visiongain analyzes these key market dynamics to reach fresh conclusions on the competitive landscape of the UAV market. Crucially, it finds that the UAV market is likely to face significant structural and competitive changes as a result of the emerging commercial market for UAV platforms.
Leading players will specialize within the UAV market, concentrating on key technologies, capabilities and markets to maximize sales in an increasingly competitive market. Disruptive competitors leveraging technological innovations will also threaten the strong incumbent competitors in the market who will have to adapt to rapidly shifting market dynamics, notes visiongain.
The report provides detailed analysis of the leading 20 companies in the UAV market, the competitive landscape, as well as commercial drivers and restraints, allowing readers to more effectively compete in the market. In addition to current market shares for the leading companies, our report contains original critical analysis, and revealing insight into commercial and technological developments, says visiongain.