Vendors sought to develop NGA’s ‘Unified Web Presence’

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is gathering market research information from companies that claim the capability to develop what the NGA calls a “Unified Web Presence,” or UWP, essentially Web-based technology that would enable the agency to push out geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) efficiently to its internal and external customers.
“The UWP program provides an interactive, easy-to-use environment for discovering GEOINT data and collaborating with other users to answer key intelligence questions,” explains the NGA’s statement of work. “The UWP will enable users to access many National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG) web pages from a single web page and provide users with simple, intuitive and comprehensive access to NSG GEOINT including data, products, and services.”
Prospective vendors are asked to supply to NGA by January 9 a white paper of no more than five pages that describes their capabilities.
“The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA) is contemplating conducting a competition to award a contract for the Operation and Sustainment (O&S) and future development of the United Web Presence (UWP),” says a sources sought notice the agency released on January 6.
The prospective contractor would be asked to provide support for engineering, technical assessment, development and other related activities, says the notice.
More specifically, the chosen vendor will be required to put together an “agile contractor team,” which shall consist of an agile program manager (with a track record of delivering software via “agile development methods”), chief systems engineer, mission/business process analyst, programmer, tester and documentation specialist.
The NGA envisions a base performance period that will run from September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015, as well as option periods that could extend to August 2019.
Further information about this market research effort is available from Kelsey Nelson, a contract specialist, at 571-557-9739 or