USSOCOM S&T Directorate to hold virtual symposium

On March 13, the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) announced an upcoming virtual symposium. The symposium will be available starting March 15.
The USSOCOM Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate is offering an online “Virtual Symposium.” The purpose of this symposium is to provide information to interested parties with the potential to address the specific commodity areas of interest described below. The online Symposium will be available beginning 15 March 2017 and will feature presentations from the USSOCOM S&T Directorate staff. A link for questions and answers will also be included. Upon registering for access to the symposium, directions will be provided regarding the questions and answers process.
The S&T Directorate’s vision is to “Discover, enable, and transition technologies to provide an asymmetric advantage for Special Operations Forces (SOF).” S&T efforts are aligned to provide linkage between technology discovery, full spectrum S&T support and SOF material acquisition efforts.
The Directorate has identified specific technology areas of interest to accelerate the delivery of innovative capabilities to the SOF warfighter. The portfolio is diversified and includes the following commodity areas of interest:
Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4). C4 focuses on tactical communications, network transport, and enterprise networks. The FY18 areas are scalable, mobile, and over-the-horizon communication networks and unclassified large data analytics and visualization.
Fires/Scalable Effects Weapons. The Fires portfolio focuses on implementing improvements and correcting deficiencies related to SOF’s small arms. The portfolio also includes increasingly effective ammunition, explosives, and devices offering scalable effects.
Optical Electronics/Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR). Optics portfolio focuses on advanced multispectral systems, displays, and LPI/LPD devices to provide an exponential leap in SOF targeting and situational awareness. ISR focuses on systems that significantly improve SOF situational/threat awareness, and improved multiband sensors.
Protection. Focuses on materials and form factors for body worn protection and platform survivability against emerging threats.
Biomedical/Human Performance. Focuses on tactical combat casualty care, real-time medical monitoring, and maintaining optimal SOF operator performance.
Full information and registration information is available here.