On October 1, the U.S. Special Operations Command issued a rapid capability assessment. SOCOM S&T Futures has initiated an effort to develop AI for Maneuver, Intelligence, and Effects for Maritime Mobility. Responses are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern on October 30, according to SAM.
In the past decade, researchers and commercial industry have achieved major milestones in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies (miniaturization, big data, machine learning, robotics and autonomy).
The 2018 National Defense Strategy and most recent SOF Capabilities and Programming Guidance have emphasized the criticality of AI as a SOF enabler for the Future Operating Environment (FOE). While the software industry has made advances in AI for corporate and consumer users, when it comes to critical Special Operations warfighting functions such as Maritime Maneuver, ISR, C2 and Effects, we need to ensure that this future intelligence powering our military capability is not simply artificial, but is firmly grounded in reality.
- How will SOF operate AI systems in the future?
- How will they be C2’d?
- What decision-making processes will be implemented?
- How will we ensure they can be trusted?
- How will they improve the capability of the human team that will continue to be at the center of Special Operations missions?
RCA event 03-05 Nov 2020
- Develop an AI framework for SOF Maritime Maneuver that establishes and maintains US leadership in military AI, and enables the Special Operations Enterprise to be as effective in the FOE as they are today.
- Design an AI Maritime Technology Insertion Roadmap to assist PEO-Maritime in synchronizing efforts between TIR’s, spend plans, and Congressional Schedules for a distinct transition path.
- Identify and prioritize near term investments for development.
- There is potential for follow-on development and prototype OTA‘s from this selection.
If interested in participating in the RCA and assisting the SOF enterprise advance its warfighting capabilities please register below:
Registration Site: https://libertyallianceus.com/events.html
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM