USMC to host Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations Innovation Industry Day

On February 2, the United States Marine Corps issued an announcement for its Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) Innovation Industry Day. Notice of Intent to participate (RSVP) in the EABO Industry Day general session and one-on-one sessions requests are due by April 3.
This is an announcement for an upcoming Industry Day hosted by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL), and in coordination with the Navy and the Naval Research and Development Establishment (NR&DE). The EABO Innovation Industry Day is scheduled for 10 April 2018 at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.
An EABO Task Force comprised of operators and engineers is being established to accelerate the exploration and experimentation of tactics and technology for this high-priority Joint and Naval mission. This team will be responsible execute a campaign of rapid prototyping and experimentation events where industry, academia, and government research and development (R&D) organizations are invited to demonstrate emerging technologies and engineering innovations in a progressive series of demonstrations and experiments. Based on the results of the technical and operational assessments, selected participants will be invited to participate in the progressive series of experimentation events that will progress through more complex scenarios and environments.
The EABO Innovation Industry Day includes opening comments and briefings, at the SECRET level, Marine Corps and Navy operators and plans officers who will outline the EABO concept and allow for one-on-one break-out sessions. Interested vendors may request private 20-minute time slots with Capability Area (CA) leads to discuss relevant new and emerging technologies that may inform EABO warfighting concept development. Updates on this Industry Day event will be published by amendment to this request for information (RFI). The break out-sessions may end sooner than the end of day on 10 April depending on the number of respondents.
Expeditionary Advance Base Operations is a naval operational concept that anticipates the requirements of the next paradigm of US Joint expeditionary operations. The concept is adversary based, cost informed and advantage focused. EABO calls for an alternative, difficult to target forward basing infrastructure that will enable US naval and joint forces to create a more resilient forward based posture to persist, partner and operate within range of adversary long range precision fires. The alternative forward posture enabled by Expeditionary Advance Bases (EABs) is designed to mitigate the growing threat posed by the abundant quantity, expanded range and enhanced precision of potential adversary weaponry–particularly ballistic and cruise missiles designed to attack critical joint fixed forward infrastructure and large platforms. EABs provide a dispersed and largely mobile forward basing infrastructure that enables a persistent alternative force capability set that is similarly designed to be difficult to target and inherently resilient. The resilient, reduced signature infrastructure of EABs, combined with naval forces designed and structured to persist and operate within the arc of adversary anti-access/aerial denial (A2AD) capabilities enables naval commanders to conduct Expeditionary Advance Base Operations to support Joint Force Maritime Component Commander (JFMCC), and Fleet Commanders in the fight for sea control, by exploiting the opportunities afforded by key maritime terrain, particularly in close and confined seas. EABO advances, sustains and maintains the naval and joint sensor, shooter and sustainment capabilities of dispersed forces to leverage the decisive massed capabilities of the larger joint force with enhanced situational awareness, augmented fires and logistical support. The EABO Concept enables US naval forces to exercise 21st Century naval operational art, meet new enemy A2AD threats with new capabilities and operate and thrive in and around close and confined seas.
The CAs that are expected to contribute significantly to emerging Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) concepts are divided into six CAs: Counter intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and signature management, logistics, strike, ISR (cueing / targeting), command and control (C2) in a degraded environment, and force protection.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps