USAF seeks major contractors to serve as mentors for FY15 mentor-protégé program

On March 25, the United States Air Force Secretary of the Air Force Small Business issued the following broad agency announcement (SAF- SB-BAA-15-01) seeking major contractors for the FY15 Air Force Mentor Protégé Program. Interested contractors can submit white papers for consideration until May 1.
The Air Force Mentor Protégé Program (MPP) Office is seeking eligible mentors for participation in the Department of Defense (DoD) Mentor Protégé Program through this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). Formal Proposals are not being accepted at this time however, those companies whose White Papers are consistent with the intent of this BAA may be invited to submit technical and cost proposals subject to the availability of program funds. This BAA will remain in effect until 30 September 2015 or when the DoD program ends, whichever comes first.
The purpose of the DoD Mentor-Protégé Program is to provide incentives to major DoD contractors, performing under at least one active, approved subcontracting plan negotiated with DoD to: (1) assist protégé firms in enhancing their capabilities to satisfy DoD and other contract and subcontract requirements; (2) to increase the overall participation of protégé firms as subcontractors and suppliers under DoD contracts; and (3) to foster the establishment of long-term business relationships between protégé firms and their mentors. Under this program, approved mentor firms will enter into Mentor-Protégé agreements with eligible protégés and provide technical and developmental assistance to the protégé.
The Air Force is soliciting for Mentor Protégé agreements that are in line with the Air Force vision, priority areas and science and technology emphasis areas while delivering requirements of the developmental assistance to the Protégé that contain a strong technical component or focus on innovative, state of the art technology, consistent with the Air Force Science and Technology (S&T) emphasis areas.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps