USAF collecting capabilities info from suppliers of EO/IR acquisition and tracking systems

The ISR Sensors Foreign Military Sales division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is gathering information from companies that could supply electro-optical (EO)/infrared (IR) target acquisition and tracking systems for sale to international customers.
In a Request for Information (RFI) released by the Air Force Materiel Command on March 12, the USAF said it wants to receive capabilities white papers from interested vendors by April 11.
“This Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) system will consist of a collection of IR and EO sensors, signal processing, software, and control and display equipment integrated into a host aircraft,” explains the RFI. “The contractor shall be required to provide the ISR payload, Ground System Network Interface, Integration of the payload onto the host aircraft, and Training/Logistics support through deployment and support field operations.”
The EO/IR system would be used for “mission target support” and peacetime surveillance, the FRI adds. “The principal ‘targets’ may include single or groups of people and/or vehicles, military formations, storage areas, military-industrial complexes, and small point targets at range,” says the document.
Tactical operations will take place in 80 to 90 percent of the cases at 30,000 to 45,000 feet, explains the RFI, but the systems should also be able to operate as low as 5,000 feet (for over flights) and as high as 60,000 feet (for exceptionally long range acquisitions.)
Further information is available from Mark Garrette, a contract negotiator, at