On June 17, the U.S. Army posted a request for information (RFI) for aerostats RADAR and ELINT systems. Responses are due by 4:00 p.m. Eastern on August 1.
Product Director (PD) Aerostats is issuing this RFI synopsis as a means of conducting market research to identify sources with interest and possessing the prerequisite industry technologies and skill sets available to provide a fully integrated Aerostat System with primary radio detection and ranging (RADAR) and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) payloads for a potential foreign military sales (FMS) case for the country of Poland. The integrated system will provide persistent surveillance focusing primarily on RADAR surveillance and ELINT missions.
Aerostat systems are elevated command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C5ISR) platforms equipped with a variety of payloads to fulfill force protection, operations support, communication extension, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Aerostat systems can be employed during all phases of operations. Aerostat systems are responsive to the ground component of a joint warfighting force by providing weather dependent, persistent surveillance at operating locations throughout the operational area and directly enhancing the Commander’s situational understanding.
Respondents who can provide services, but not manufacturing are also highly encouraged to respond. The Government is interested in respondents who can provide either full turnkey integrated aerostat ISR systems, specialized subsystems, and/or services.
PD Aerostats under Program Executive Officer (PEO) Intelligence Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEWS) is interested in a constellation of, at minimum, four (4) integrated aerostat systems with sustainment support to provide day/night persistent (24/7/365) detection, tracking, and monitoring (surveillance) capability for Poland against diverse air and ground threats.
This includes low radar-cross-section (RCS) unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and low-flying inbound aircraft within its area of coverage. Options for additional future systems may be offered once the core constellation is successfully operating. The Aerostat systems will be equipped with RADAR and ELINT as the primary payloads. The aerostat system and sensor payloads must be available or be available within 12 months from this date and are at least in final engineering development or production phases. Each platform’s field of view (FOV) will be 360 degrees.
Primary interest is air-to-air modes covering UAS Group I, II, and III threats, with ranges up to 350 kilometers (km) for Group II and III threats desired. Maritime mode and ground moving target indicator (GMTI) mode is a secondary interest. RADAR shall provide capability to report targets and tracks of maneuvering air breathing targets (ABT) between 100 feet (ft.) and 15,000 ft above ground level (AGL) traveling at speeds between 60 knots (kts) – 800 kts. (110 kph – 1482 kph). The system will be designed with an open architecture to readily support future expansion with additional aerostat and/or sensor systems.
Review the full RADAR and ELINT RFI.
Source: SAM
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