Ultra I&C awarded USAF BlackArrow encryption key management contract

On June 11, Austin, TX-based Ultra Intelligence and Communications announced a $31.9 million agreement through an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with Consortium Management Group, Inc. (CMG) on behalf of Consortium for Command, Control and Communications in Cyberspace (C5) from the U.S. Air Force Cryptologic and Cyber Systems Division. Ultra I&C will deliver over-the-network rekey and remote management system upgrades for operationally deployed communications security (COMSEC) devices including identification friend or foe (IFF), Link-16 and in-line encryptors to reduce service costs and ensure reliable tactical networks.

This Other Transaction Authority (OTA) award signifies Ultra I&C’s deep-rooted expertise in cryptographic engineering and key management, expanding Ultra I&C’s position as a tactical data link solutions provider.

“Ensuring reliable communications is paramount for any operation, under all conditions and environments,” said Bradford Powell, president of Ultra I&C’s C2I&E division. “Remote management and rekey capability are necessary to improve tactical network operations, minimize downtime, and protect our military personnel responsible for maintaining tactical equipment in operational locations. As CJADC2 and other initiatives continue to connect assets and domains, the maintenance of those tactical networks become increasingly important.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Ultra I&C will develop a high-assurance certified encryptor for secure network distribution of keys and commands to various COMSEC equipment, incorporating the latest key management infrastructure protocols and security requirements to meet the complex and evolving needs of modern defense operations. The solution builds upon Ultra’s currently fielded Remote Tactical Data Links Management System (RTDLMS), providing Link-16 remote management and rekey for U.S. and multiple international partners.

Source: Ultra I&C

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