Statement by DHS Secretary Johnson on the new NTAS Bulletin

On June 15 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released the following statement from Secretary Jeh Johnson:
In December 2015, I announced the revision of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Terrorism Advisory System, or “NTAS,” to include an intermediate level NTAS “Bulletin.” We then issued a new NTAS Bulletin at the same time. The duration of the December Bulletin was six months, and expires tomorrow.
The Department of Homeland Security is today issuing a new NTAS Bulletin. This Bulletin reflects the tragic events of Orlando several days ago. Here is what is stated in the new Bulletin’s summary:
“In December, we described a new phase in the global threat environment, which has implications on the homeland. This basic assessment has not changed. In this environment, we are particularly concerned about homegrown violent extremists who could strike with little or no notice. The tragic events of Orlando several days ago reinforce this. Accordingly, increased public vigilance and awareness continue to be of utmost importance.”
This NTAS Bulletin goes on to describe the government’s counterterrorism efforts, and how the public can help and be prepared in the current environment. This includes an advisory to “[b]e prepared for increased security and plan ahead to anticipate delays and restricted/prohibited items.” This new Bulletin has a duration of five months, and will expire in mid-November, just before the start of the holiday season.
The full weight of the U.S. government – including our military, intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security communities, along with our partners in state and local law enforcement – is currently dedicated to detecting and defeating terrorism and protecting the homeland. This is our number one priority. In this current threat environment, which includes the prospect of homegrown violent extremism, the public has a role to play too. Public vigilance and awareness can and do make a difference. The NTAS Bulletin we release today is intended to contribute to an informed public, and promote public vigilance and awareness.
To read the new NTAS Bulletin, click
Source: DHS