SPAWAR opts for open competition for upcoming ATFP ESS solicitation

On January 30, the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) posted a presolicitation notice for Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Electronic Surveillance Systems (ESS) (Solicitation Number: N66001-16-R-0082).After reviewing its previous market survey, the agency plans to issue an RFP for this solicitation in April.
SSC Pacific’s Security Systems Branch provides Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Surveillance, Intelligence and Reconnaissance (C4ISR)-related technical sustainment assistance for the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Anti- Terrorism/Force Protection Area of Responsibility (AOR). Sustainment activities include Electronics and Communication Services, Engineering Management Services and acquisition support during their life cycle. The primary systems and efforts to be supported include Regional Operation Center (ROC) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Regional Dispatch Center (RDC) subsystems, Wide-Area Alert Notification (WAAN) Systems; includes Giant Voice (GV) systems, Mass Notification System (MNS); includes Indoor Voice (IV), Automated Telephone Notification System (ATNS), Computer Desk Notification System (CDNS), Navy Emergency Response Management System (NERMS) Alarm Monitoring and Automation System (AMAS) and interfaced physical security and fire alarm systems, Physical Security/Access Control (PS/AC) systems, Sensor Management System (SMS), Joint Perimeter Surveillance Command and Control System (JPSC2), Radar Sonar Surveillance Command and Control Center (RSSC) and Communications Detachments, ELMR Backbone sustainment CONUS/OCONUS, AT/FP Information Management (AIM) and SharePoint based systems support, Public Safety Network (PSNet) enterprise connectivity, Navy Munitions Command ACS and IDS integration and sustainment, and Electronic Harbor Security Systems (EHSS). The general areas of expertise required include: (1) Project Execution Support, (2) Program Support, (3) Integrated Logistic Support and Configuration Data Management Support, (4) AT/FP Information Management Portal Support, (5) Information Systems Security Support, (6) System Engineering Support and (7) Software Engineering. The general areas of expertise required include: (1) Project Execution Support, (2) Program Support, (3) Integrated Logistic Support and Configuration Data Management Support, (4) AT/FP Information Management Portal Support, (5) Information Systems Security Support, (6) System Engineering Support and (7) Software Engineering.
This is a follow-on requirement to a Multiple Award Contract (MAC) of the same title. This current contract numbers are N66001-14-D-0052 through 0054, and the incumbent contractors are CACI, Honeywell and SERCO, respectively. The NAICS code for this potential procurement is 541330, and the service code is J059.
For this requirement, SSC Pacific posted a market survey to determine small business capability on SPAWAR E-Commerce Central on 06 April 2015, reference number MKTSVY- 10E49E. Based upon evaluation of the responses to the market survey, SSC Pacific intends to compete the full scope of the requirement on an unrestricted basis (i.e., a full and open competition). The full scope of the requirement is described in the Performance Work Statement. The SSC PAC Small Business Office (SBO) concurred with the acquisition strategy decision on 26 February 2016.
SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific intends to issue a solicitation (RFP N66001-16-R-0082) for an Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract. The Government reserves the right to make award to a single offeror or multiple offerors The CLIN structure will include Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) CLINs for engineering services as well as cost reimbursement type CLINS for Other Direct Costs (ODC) and cost reimbursement CLINs for materials. The proposed contract is expected to have a base period of three years, followed by two additional option years, for a total maximum ordering period of five years for continued mission support. The ODC and material CLINs will be non-fee bearing. The annual estimated level of effort is 3,034,381 hours. NAICS Code is 541330. This requirement will be fulfilled via open competition. The estimated release date of the solicitation is 06 April 2017.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps