Registration opens for APG Discovery Week Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry

On February 26, the U.S. Army posted updated information for APG Discovery Week Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI).
Team Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) anticipates hosting the APG Discovery Week Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI) from 30 April – 2 May 2019, at APG, MD. This announcement updates information that was provided in the previous save the date message. Please note that details, including specific organizational briefing schedules, remain subject to change.
The goal of the APG Discovery Week APBI is to provide industry with networking opportunities for both large and small businesses. The APBI will describe potential future contracting opportunities for mission areas that focus on: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Research and Development; Test and Evaluation; Chemical and Biological Defense; and APG Garrison.
The APG Discovery Week APBI will identify potential contracting opportunities that are aligned with the roadmaps of each respective organization, specifically focusing on Fiscal Years 2020-2021. The APBI slides are anticipated to be posted electronically two weeks prior to the start of the event. The Government will not hear formal bids from industry, as the purpose of the APBI is for the Government to brief upcoming opportunities to industry to help it better understand Army capability requirements and shape its internal development efforts.
Based on feedback received following the 2018 Discovery Week APBI, the 2019 event will include an increased number of breakout sessions and an improved schedule to reduce conflicts and allow attendees to participate in sessions of most value to them. Currently the schedule includes 11 main-stage contract opportunity briefings from major tenant commands, a small business guest speaker and update, General Officer/Senior Executive Service panel discussion, and 10 breakout sessions offering program deep dives and less formal discussion opportunities with organizational leaders. We expect additional breakout sessions will be added as the planning process moves forward.
Several registration options are available for those interested in attending. Registration options include a “3-day pass” that provides access to all briefings and breakout sessions 30 April, 1 May, and 2 May. The registration fee for a 3-day pass is $445. Individual day registrations are also available for a $200 registration fee per day.
Registration for the APG Discovery Week APBI is now open. Navigate to to register for the Discovery Week APBI, lunches, and the Business After Hours networking event. There are no restrictions on the number of seats available per company.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps