Raytheon launches enhanced Landshield GPS anti-jam capability

Raytheon UK is launching a new enhanced version of its battlefield global positioning system anti-jam (GPS-AJ) capability, Landshield at AUSA 2014.
The new system will provide the highest integrity and most advanced anti-jam capability for simultaneous L1 and L2 GPS frequencies. Raytheon developed the new capability to address the U.S. Army’s nascent Assured Position Navigation and Timing (APNT) program of record, for which the company will deliver a number of systems for evaluation in early 2015.
The requirement follows a Presidential directive that all U.S. forces should be able to operate in a GPS-denied or constrained environment. The new GPS-AJ systems could be integrated into nearly 40% of U.S. Army land vehicles.
Landshield also includes technology allowing it to operate under rotor modulation conditions on combat helicopters, where optimal size, weight and power characteristics are essential.
In today’s battlespace, allied forces often face irregular militias that have access to low cost, highly effective GPS jammers. Such devices can significantly degrade the accuracy and capability of military systems that rely on GPS signals for position, navigation and time.
Landshield is a low cost, small form factor, robust and highly efficient GPS anti-jam device with an integrated antenna array which has been developed using a proven Application Specific Integrated Circuit drawing upon Raytheon’s 20 year heritage in the GPS-AJ domain.