President Trump to nominate Joseph Maguire to lead NCTC, DNI Coats comments

On June 22, DNI Daniel Coats issued a statement on President Trump’s intent to nominate Joseph Maguire to be the director of the National Counterterrorism Center:
I am pleased that President Trump has announced his intent to nominate retired Vice Adm. Joseph Maguire to be the next director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
Joe is an experienced national security expert whose long and distinguished service to our nation in the special operations warfare community will be immensely valuable as he takes on some of our nation’s most challenging counterterrorism issues in a rapidly shifting international security landscape.
His return to NCTC, where he previously served with great distinction as the deputy director for strategic operational planning and as a member of the National Security Council’s Counterterrorism Security Group, would be a welcome addition to the CT community.
I congratulate Joe and his family on his pending nomination to lead NCTC.
Daniel R. Coats, Director of National Intelligence
Source: ODNI