Perspecta Inc. of Chantilly, VA announced on September 18 that its innovative applied research arm, Perspecta Labs, has been named a recipient of the 2019 Industry Innovator award. The company will receive its award at the Government Innovation Awards dinner on Nov. 7, 2019 in Tysons Corner, VA.
Organized by 1105 Media publications, the Industry Innovator award recognizes private-sector companies’ vital role in advancing government IT. Perspecta Labs received this award for its situational awareness and monitoring, cyber-weapon hunting and dynamic network reconfiguration technologies exercised under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems (RADICS) program.
“We have always considered Perspecta Labs a key differentiator for Perspecta,” said Mac Curtis, president and CEO, Perspecta. “But it’s not the fact that we have an applied research lab that makes the difference. It’s that we invent real solutions, leveraging emerging technologies, to solve real problems and advance our customers’ missions. That’s real innovation. I am so proud of the Perspecta Labs team for receiving this well-deserved award.”
The three technologies Perspecta Labs introduced under the DARPA RADICS program are: SHERLOC (Scalable and Holistic Energy Cyber Weapon Localization and Characterization), MANTESSA (Machine-Intelligence for Advance Notification of Threats and Energy-Grid Survivable Situational Awareness) and DADC (Distributed Assured and Dynamic Configuration).
- SHERLOC is a sensor-based, integrated three-axis cyber-weapon hunting system for the power grid. Its main goal is to expedite commercial power restoration by mechanizing critical cyber and power knowledge and automating tasks to rapidly identify compromised equipment, characterize the nature of the attack and malware that has gained access to US infrastructure, and support remediation and restoration efforts
- MANTESSA is a cyber-physical early detection and situational awareness system featuring advanced machine learning techniques to detect and analyze the effects of cyberattacks through large-scale power grid analysis, Bayesian inferencing and social media analysis
- DADC is a network configuration synthesis, analysis, visualization and emulation tool to efficiently create a secure emergency network using constraint solver technology
“Our successes on the RADICS program are a testament to our ability to transform our research into real solutions while working closely with our DARPA customer to achieve every major program milestone along the way,” said Petros Mouchtaris, Ph.D., president of Perspecta Labs. “We are honored to be a part of this mission-critical, national security program and are proud to have that work recognized with the Industry Innovator award.”
Source: Perspecta