On May 17, the Department of Defense (DoD), Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Acquisition Directorate (AD) released a sources sought notice on behalf of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S)). WHS(AD) is issuing this Sources Sought Notice to obtain information and assist in determining the appropriate acquisition method for Mission Assurance Management support services. Responses are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern on May 31.
The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) serves as the Principal Staff Assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense regarding intelligence, counterintelligence, security, sensitive activities, and other intelligence-related matters.
In this capacity, the USD(I&S) exercises the Secretary of Defense’s authority, direction, and control over the Defense Intelligence Enterprise/Defense Security Enterprise (DIE/DSE) to include the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities that are DIE/DSE Components. The OUSD(I&S) is structured with four supporting Directors of Defense Intelligence: Warfighter Support; Intelligence and Security Programs & Resources; Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement and Security; and Technical Collection and Special Programs. In addition, certain offices are Direct Reports to the Under Secretary: Chief of Staff; Congressional Activities; Special Access Programs Control Office; and Human Capital Management Office.
The OUSD(I&S), with responsibilities under various DoD Directives and Instructions, provides support to and engagement with DoD mission assurance programs and activities, that include: continuity of operations (COOP), Continuity of Government (COG), crisis management, critical infrastructure protection (CIP), pandemic planning, and continuity communications, particularly as these elements impact across the Defense Intelligence/Security components, as well as emergency management, and personnel accountability. The OUSD(I&S) is additionally responsible, under DoD Instruction 3020.39, Mission Assurance Policy for the DIE/DSE, for providing policy, oversight, and guidance to the DIE/DSE components for mission assurance matters.
This requirement is for comprehensive support to the OUSD(I&S) in all aspects of policy development, coordination, planning, guidance, assessments, technical integration, exercises, and training relative to the OUSD(I&S)’s responsibilities for mission assurance, COOP/COG, emergency management, pandemic planning, and related programs. The accomplishment of these tasks will allow OUSD(I&S) to implement policy, assign responsibilities, and provide guidance for comprehensive, effective, and integrated mission assurance programs, plans, and capabilities within the OUSD(I&S) as well as mission assurance program oversight and guidance for the DIE/DSE components.
Review the full OUSDI mission assurance sources sought notice.
Source: SAM
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