On November 25, the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) issued a request for information (RFI) for a SATCOM data terminal to support the JTT-ME. Responses are due by 4:00 p.m. Pacific on January 15.
The Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) fulfills warfighter requirements for near-real-time (NRT) battlespace awareness for threat warning and situational awareness. IBS disseminates timely intelligence and information to tactical and other users, providing target tracking and data to support threat avoidance, force protection, and target/situational awareness. This information is continually refined by data from strategic, operational, and tactical sensors. This reported data contains a unique reference to allow users to correlate IBS products. Additionally, IBS provides a capability to enable interaction between producers and consumers.
The Maritime Integrated Broadcast Service (MIBS) program delivers the JTT-ME system, which provides a resilient IBS data feed to the warfighter. The JTT-ME delivers long-term infrastructure capability to support the flexibility of future SATCOM data terminal and SATCOM broadcast waveforms that are cyber-secured, Proliferated Low Earth Orbit (pLEO) compatible IBS data feed. The JTT-ME provides over-the-air (OTA), NRT lethal threat intelligence, enabling the Warfighter to receive global, National, and theater threat and intelligence data, including Indications and Warnings of potential threats.
The program’s priority is faster production and delivery of the JTT-ME’s SATCOM data terminal within a maximum period of 12 months or less. This emergent requirement is driven by a national strategic initiative to accelerate production and delivery to ensure the Fleet’s readiness in the tactical edge of warfighting.
Source: SAM
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