The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is seeking industry feedback on NGA’s implementation guidance for custom software development as described in “The NGA Software Way” document. Responses are due by 3:00 p.m. Eastern on August 6.
This request for information (RFI) is issued solely for information purposes – it does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) nor does the Government intend to issue a RFP or contract in the future. This RFI does not commit the Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. The information provided in this RFI is subject to change and is not binding to the Government. Respondents are advised that the U.S. Government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFI.
The following questions are provided to guide industry feedback:
- Does the intent behind the NGA Software Way make sense and seem right?
- Is it reasonable to ask software programs at NGA to automatically measure and report the three primary metrics described in the NGA Software Way (availability, deployment frequency, and lead time)?
- Are the 13 elements included in the NGA Software Way well described and appropriate?
- Would implementing the NGA Software Way increase, decrease, or not change the time and cost for your company to deliver software at NGA? Why?
- Would implementing the NGA Software Way lead to better, worse, or similar outcomes from the software NGA creates? Why?
- What else (or instead) should NGA do to help it better deliver software that meets our users’ needs and expectations?
- Is NGA heading in the right direction for software development? Any additional suggestions?
- General feedback?
- Questions? Is anything unclear?
Responses must only contain unclassified information and be marked “UNCLASSIFIED” on all pages in both the header and footer. Proprietary information should not be included in your response. Although not desired, should the contractor include proprietary information, must be clearly marked. To aid the Government, please segregate proprietary information.
Review the full RFI, including the NGA Software Way document.
Source: SAM