NGA releases NODC RFI

On June 22, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) posted a request for information (RFI) for NGA OCONUS Data Center (NODC) sustainment. Responses are due by 3:00 p.m. Eastern on July 22.

NGA in support of the Warfighter Support Program Office is seeking information on how an interested contractor could serve as Application Service Provider (ASP) to operate and sustain the NGA OCONUS Data Center (ODC), including the execution of adaptive maintenance for unplanned capability changes in support of user needs as well as the provision of user training.

The purpose of this RFI is to gauge current industry capacity to satisfy NGA’s requirement to continue supporting the already-fielded ODC and adapting its functionality to meet the changing needs of deployed users at various Combatant Commands (COCOMs) over time while preparing to convert ODC into a Regional Edge Node in accordance with NGA’s evolving Edge Computing Strategy.


NGA has a mission-critical need for integration, modernization, accreditation, and monitoring, of software applications hosted on the NGA ODC, a forward-deployed CENTCOM facility serving as a strategic regional data center primarily supporting deployed analysts by ingesting and hosting GEOINT products and data in theater, facilitating local manipulation and dissemination of GEOINT to multiple users across several security enclaves. The NGA ODC serves as a backup to GEOINT functions in other COCOMs and is postured to address new user requirements as they emerge.

The Contractor is responsible for ASP Operations and Sustainment (O&S), provides adaptive maintenance to address emergent, short-duration GEOINT solutions for deployed operators, and must be able to manage new GEOINT data types as they emerge on any security enclave.  Given the rapidly changing IT software and integration requirements and the dynamic nature of GEOINT analysis facilitating combat operations, it is critical that the government and the ASP contractor remain flexible in supporting the warfighter.

Furthermore, NGA is currently developing an Edge Computing Strategy which calls for the establishment of hybrid cloud-enabled Regional Data Centers to be connected to both CONUS-based data Cores and forward deployed Tactical Edge Nodes creating a distributed computing topology where information processing is located as close as possible to GEOINT users.  The Contractor will comprehend the NGA Edge Computing Strategy as it evolves and make preparations to convert ODC into a Regional Data Center as those requirements become clear.

Read the full RFI details.

Source: SAM