On August 19, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) released the draft solicitation for Learning Management and Support Services (LMSS). Responses are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern on September 2, according to SAM.
NGA is providing this Special Notice for the release of the Draft Solicitation/Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for LMSS, Solicitation HM047621R0033. The Government intends to award one contract as a result of the final Solicitiation. The anticipated awarded contract will have a five year period of performance. The notional final solicitation posting date is October 2021 and award start date is in early 2022, subject to adjustment based on the actual contract award date. Reference Sources Sought Notice HM0476-20-R-0046.
Background: The objective of LMSS is to provide the GEOINT Enterprise with the highest quality learning solutions that support NGA mandatory training requirements, GEOINT analysis, and workforce professional development.
The solicitation is posted to both the Unclassified Intelligence Community – Acquisition Research Center (IC-ARC) website (https://acq.westfileds.net/). Due to a classified document within the Bidder’s Library, one Bidder’s Library document will only be available on the Classified IC-ARC website (https://acq.nro.ic.gov).
Review the full draft solicitation.
Source: SAM