On May 21, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) posted the draft request for proposal (draft RFP) for its User Facing Data Center Services (UDS) requirement. Comments and recommendations are due by 10:00 a.m. Eastern on June 18.
NGA is issuing the Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) for the User Facing and Data Center Services (UDS) Single-Award Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for public review and comment. The Government is not negotiating or calling for offers on this DRFP. The DRFP is posted to the DRFP tab of the UDS website on the classified Acquisition Research Center (ARC). The Contractor Bidder’s Library (CBL) has also been posted to the CBL tab of the UDS website, and it contains reference, compliance, and other documentation for offerors to review and consider in preparation of their responses to the DRFP. No DRFP or CBL documents are posted to the unclassified ARC website. Potential offerors are invited to submit comments and recommendations related to this DRFP on or before Thursday, 18 June 2020 at 10:00 am (Eastern Time). Request responses be provided via UNCLASSIFIED e-mail to Charlene.K.Fowler@nga.mil and Yue.M.Eng@nga.mil.
Also, NGA will hold 1-on-1 meetings with those offeror’s intending to Prime the UDS contract from Tuesday, 23 June 2020 to Thursday, 25 June 2020 beginning at 9:00 am and running through 3:00 pm (Eastern Time) each day. Meetings will occur virtually via UNCLASSIFIED video teleconferencing (VTC) sessions. To attend the 1-on-1 meetings, attendees must register using the “1-on-1s” tab under the DRFP tab of the UDS website on the classified ARC by 10:00 am (Eastern Time) on Thursday, 18 June 2020.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM