NGA posts draft SAS solicitation for industry review

On April 18, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency posted a presolicitation notice for the Sustainment for Analytic Services (SAS) Contract Acquisition Program (Solicitation Number: HM047618R0018). Responses to the draft solicitation are due by May 2.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is providing this Pre-Solicitation Notice of its intent to conduct an open competition for the Sustainment for Analytic Services (SAS) Contract Acquisition Program requirement. NGA anticipates release of a Final Solicitation / Request for Proposal (RFP) in June 2018 with the intent to award a single contract for this requirement.
There is no small business set-aside for this acquisition; however, all interested Parties, regardless of business size, are encouraged to respond in accordance with this Notice. The extent of Industry interest will be considered as NGA finalizes the SAS acquisition strategy. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541511, Custom Computer Programming Services. The Product Service Code is D308, IT and Telecom-Programming.
NGA currently maintains mission critical and mission essential legacy software systems, applications, and databases that provide the Analytic Services components of the current National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) architecture. These software systems and applications include the Integrated Exploitation Capability (IEC) system, the Structured Observation Management (SOM) applications, the Active Earthscape (AE) system, the Target Management System (TMS), the Commercial – Joint Mapping Tool Kit (CJMTK), DishTrak, Graphical Exploitation and Reporting Tool (GERT), Geospatial Observable Web Kit (GOWK), GEOINT Review of Imagery Products (GRIP), Spatio-Temporal Analytic Research Environment (STARE), and the Target Monitoring Assistant (TMA). The SAS Contract will provide Operations and Maintenance support for the Application Service Provider components of the operational NSG systems, applications, and data repositories.
In February 2017 NGA released Request for Information (RFI) Solicitation Number HM047617RXXXX, GALAXY RFI Release. The GALAXY initiative has been discontinued. This SAS requirement represents a subset of those systems that would have been included under the GALAXY initiative. For planning purposes only, please be aware NGA will be posting a separate, but similar Solicitation / RFP entitled Sustainment for Content Services (SCS) with an estimated release date in June/July 2018. The SCS requirement includes sustainment of seven (7) legacy software systems, applications, and databases NGA currently maintains which constitute the web-based GEOINT content capability for the NSG. These software systems and applications include: Automate Country Assessment System (ACA), AE, Collaborative MATT Production and Storage System (COMPASS), Aeronautical Content Exploitation System (ACES), Consolidated Surface Production Environment (CSPE), GeoNames, and the Navigation Safety System (NSS). Support for other systems planned under GALAXY will now be acquired via separate forthcoming acquisition actions.
As part of this SAS Pre-Solicitation Notice NGA provides Draft Solicitation HM0476-18-R-0018, and invites Parties interested in pursuing this effort, either as the Prime Contractor or as a Subcontractor, to provide comments and/or submit questions in response to the Draft Solicitation not later than 02 May 2018. Responders should provide specific company, division information, NAICS business size and CAGE code, as well as a point of contact, email address and phone number. Responders should also indicate if they anticipate participating in the SAS (or SCS) acquisition as a Prime or Subcontractor. Failure to respond to this Notice does not preclude later participation in any related acquisition. Responses should be prepared in MS Word 2016 (or a previous compatible version) or PDF format (compatible with Adobe Reader XI). The Government is not obligated to review responses received after the submittal date.
Full information is available here.
Source: FedBizOpps