National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Director Vice Adm. Robert Sharp published the Director’s Intent May 14, calling on the GEOINT community to reorient and realign priorities to achieve mission success in an ever-changing operational environment.
The Director’s Intent is an expression of the conditions NGA must establish to accomplish its mission and desired end state, through three tangible actions:
– Give primacy to our core missions,
– Be the world’s premier GEOINT force, and
– Relentlessly pursue a whole-of-enterprise approach.
“We have arrived at a historic inflection point — for our nation, NGA and the [GEOINT] community,” said Sharp. “This is a time of great change and great challenge, but also one of great hope and great opportunity.”
The Director’s Intent, supported by the NGA Strategy and the NGA Mission Imperatives, is to create an asymmetric strategic advantage no adversary can match.
“We will take all necessary actions to sustain GEOINT supremacy and hold our adversaries at risk,” said Sharp. “We will measure our success by the value we provide to others: the speed, accuracy and precision with which we deliver actionable information to decision-makers and warfighters at every level.”
The NGA | Director’s Intent document is available for download.
Source: NGA