Joe Corcoran joins Hitachi Vantara Federal to lead professional services

On January 18, Reston, VA-based Hitachi Vantara Federal announced Joe Corcoran as its new senior director of professional services and delivery, heading up the professional services business segment. With over two decades of experience in operations and sales, Corcoran will be responsible for the orchestration of project management methodologies with an overall goal to enhance project efficiency and elevate quality standards. He will report to the president and chief executive officer of Hitachi Vantara Federal, Mark Serway.

Previously the chief business officer at Dorrean for the past three years, Corcoran provided both operations and business development strategic leadership, showcasing his ability to drive client satisfaction and growth simultaneously. Notably, he is recognized for developing and executing corporate growth strategies that leverage operational excellence to capture key opportunities and propel business objectives. Prior to his role at Dorrean, Corcoran held the position of senior vice president of service delivery responsible for the strategic direction, management, planning, performance, and profitability of the company’s service delivery portfolio.

As senior director of professional services and delivery, Corcoran will be responsible for aligning Hitachi Vantara Federal’s capabilities to U.S. federal client needs, leveraging capabilities in digital infrastructure and digital solutions to further develop profitable growth, staff utilization, and profit and loss for the professional services segment.

“We are delighted to welcome Joe to our team,” said Serway. “Joe brings with him a wealth of experience in strategic management, showcasing a proven track record of delivering impressive results. His expertise in professional services embodies the excellence we strive to achieve in this segment and Joe’s extensive background in driving business growth, promoting client-centric approaches, and innovating corporate strategies runs parallel with Hitachi Vantara Federal’s long-term goals for client success. We look forward to the valuable contributions he will bring to our organization as we continue to lead and excel in the federal IT landscape.”

Source: Hitachi Vantara Federal

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